Who We Are

First Missionary Baptist Church is a body of believers whom God has delivered from the power of darkness and placed into the kingdom of His own Son. God has done this fully by His grace and for the glory of His name. We are humbled and in awe of our great God and Savior and it is our desire to live our lives for Him. Our mission is to glorify the Lord Jesus by leading sinners to repentance and saving faith in Christ, baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, and then teaching them to obey all things whatsoever Christ has commanded us. (Matthew 28:19-20, Romans 12:1-2, Colossians 1:13)

At First Missionary Baptist Church you will find and experience…

  • Worship where Christ is exalted as Lord and God’s Word is proclaimed with expository preaching.
  • Discipleship and in depth Bible study groups for all ages.
  • Fellowship where you can be a part of a body of Christ growing in the grace and knowledge of Christ.
  • Evangelism where you can be equipped and participate in reaching a lost world for Christ.
  • Ministries in which you can serve Christ and use your spiritual gifts.

The God of Scripture is the only true and living God. His Word is Truth, His judgment is certain, His salvation has been provided, His church has been commissioned, and He is coming as Lord of all!